Ballyjamesduff AFC

Founded 1989

Co. Cavan


Coaches Code of Conduct

•I will

Play the game in a fair manner showing respect to all teammates, opposition, coaches, referees and spectators and I will encourage my players to do the same.

Set a good example in terms of behavior before, during and after all club activities and events.

Make sure I am Garda Vetted, have Child Safeguarding 1 done and that they are up to date.

Be on time, be always organised and communicate well with parents 

Wear my club gear every time I represent the club at training, matches or any coaching activity I attend.

Have a realistic expectation level of all players within my group.

Treat all my players with respect

Follow the FAI Player Development Plan and all guidelines set out by the club.

Pass on all comms sent out by the club to be passed onto parents/players

 Engage with the clubs Lead coaches and attend workshops/education sessions set up by the club.

 Educate myself and follow the Coaches pathway as set out by the FAI and pass this on to my players to the best of my ability.

 Be responsible for all facilities home and away and make sure my players clean up after themselves.

 Be responsible for all equipment we use and not harm it. If I see something broken, I will report it to the club.

 Contact the club secretary re games and report scores, game day reports and accident/injury reports within 24 hours.

I will adhere to the clubs Social Media Policy. I will refrain from posting any comments non-club/team related. Under no circumstances should jokes, comments, pictures or videos that could be construed as offensive be posted on WhatsApp groups or social media platforms including ClubZapp.

 Always promote the good image and traditions of the club and put the interests of the club first in all matters.​

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